










現在、自社でも縫製工場を整え、MADE IN JAPANの日本クオリティーを、



With the slogan "We do what we can do by ourselves," they set up a studio in a quiet place in Minoh, Osaka.

We are always looking at the products with our own eyes before shipping to deliver

even one piece in good condition to customers. 

In order to deliver products in good condition to our customers,

we inspect each and every piece of clothing with our own eyes before shipping.

We inspect each item with our own eyes before shipping. We go to the cutter,

sewing factory, washing shop, and inspection shop every day, and move the products

to the next step of the process.

and then personally move the products to the next stage of the process.


-Why do we put so much time and effort into making clothes?-

The honest answer is that he is attached to each piece of clothing

and enjoys making things from the bottom of his heart.

That is our honest answer. It was a natural approach for us, but now we are proud of it.

We are now operating our own sewing factory, and will continue to transmit the

Japanese quality of "MADE IN MINOH" from Minoh, Osaka.

We will continue to transmit the Japanese quality of "Made in Minoh"

from here in Minoh, Osaka.